R&S®FE110SR Frontend


R&S®FE110SR Frontend
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R&S®FE110SR Frontend
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R&S®FE110SR Frontend
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R&S®FE110SR Frontend
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R&S®FE110SR Frontend
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R&S®FE110SR Frontend
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R&S®FE110SR Frontend, Front Low R&S®FE110SR Frontend, Back low R&S®FE110SR Frontend, Side view R&S®FE110SR Frontend, Side view R&S®FE110SR Frontend, Side view R&S®FE110SR Frontend, Side view

Key Facts

  • Fully calibrated solution
  • Ease of operation
  • Fully automated
  • Smart accessories
  • Compact form factor

Frequency extension to 110 GHz

The R&S®FE110SR is ideal for demanding applications up to 110 GHz. Once connected, the frequency range of the R&S®FSW signal and spectrum analyzer and the R&S®RTP  oscilloscope are extended to the W-Band frequency range (70 GHz to 110 GHz). The easy-to-use, fully-calibrated solution is compatible with our analyzer and oscilloscope environments. Plug it in and start designing and testing the next generation automotive radar or mobile communications today.

Features & benefits

Fully calibrated solution

The R&S®FE110SR is designed as an external frontend for the R&S®FSW signal and spectrum analyzer and the R&S®RTP oscilloscope. Every R&S®FE110SR is fully characterized during production. As soon as the R&S®FE110SR is connected via LAN, the correction data stored in the frontend is automatically transferred to the base unit. This ensures a fully calibrated  solution. and reduces the time and equipment needed for setup and calibration while enhancing measurement fidelity.

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R&S®FSW with connected frontend

Ease of operation

The R&S®FE110SR fits seamlessly into the operating concept of the R&S®FSW signal analyzer and R&S®RTP oscilloscope. Only three connections (LAN, IF and REF frequency) between frontend and base units are required. Setting up automated measurements is easy and reliable because multiple instruments do not need to be programmed. 

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Excellent signal performance

Generating wideband-modulated signals with excellent modulation quality is essential when developing products for next generation automotive radar or mobile communication. The R&S®FE110SR has outstanding modulation quality. A  5G NR signal with a channel bandwidth of 2 GHz (960 kHz SCS) and QPSK modulation can be analyzed with an EVM better than -39 dB (at 88 GHz). This excellent modulation quality is maintained over a wide dynamic range. 

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EVM values versus output power at different center frequencies

Smart accessories

External bandpass filters optimize spur performance and are available as options for the R&S®FE110ST and R&S®FE110SR. The R&S®FE110-Zxx waveguide bandpass filters have low insertion loss and an excellent voltage standing wave ratio. Device characteristics are stored on an EPROM. A cable connection provides data to the base instruments. This data is automatically considered by the base units for a fully calibrated solution.

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FE110SR with connected bandpass filter FE110-Zxx

Compact form factor

The compact design allows the R&S®FE110ST to be positioned closely to the device under test. This minimizes the length of additional RF feed lines that can increase losses. Short distance to the DUT reduces the level ripple over frequency and improves signal quality. The R&S®ZZA-FE01 frontend height adjustement has adjustable feet and versatile mounting points which allow flexible positioning of the R&S®FE110ST in a chamber.  

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Mounted frontend with R&S®ZZA-FE01 frontend height adjustement

Multichannel analysis

For multichannel test setups, connect up to four R&S®FExx modules to the R&S®RTP oscilloscope. Select between “Coupled LO” or “Coupled Ref” signal to sychronize the external Frontend modules. Perform your multichannel signal analysis based on the IQ data of the R&S®RTP-K11 IQ SW interface option or with dedicated analysis options of the R&S®VSE analysis software such as the R&S®VSE-K146 5G MIMO measurement option.

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R&S®RTP oscilloscope with two R&S®FE110SR modules

Available options

External accessories

Order Number 1348.5230.02


Bandpass filter

External bandpass filter (70-86 GHz) for the R&S®FE110ST and R&S®FE110SR 


Order Number 1348.5147.02


Bandpass filter

External bandpass filter (75–90 GHz) for the R&S®FE110ST and R&S®FE110SR 


Order Number 1348.5153.02


Bandpass filter

External bandpass filter (80–95 GHz) for the R&S®FE110ST and R&S®FE110SR 


Order Number 1348.5160.02


Bandpass filter

External bandpass filter (85–105 GHz) for the R&S®FE110ST and R&S®FE110SR 


Order Number 1348.5199.02


Bandpass filter

External bandpass filter (94-110 GHz) for the R&S®FE110ST and R&S®FE110SR 


Order Number 1348.5224.02


WR10 waveguide-to-waveguide adapter

Waveguide section straight. Length: 40mm


Order Number 3626.1067.02


Waveguide Coax Adapter, WR10 to 1 mm (f)

75 GHz to 110 GHz


Order Number 3626.1067.03


Waveguide Coax Adapter, WR10 to 1 mm (m)

75 GHz to 110 GHz


Order Number 1537.3262.02


Standard gain horn antenna

75 to 110 GHz, 20 dBi Connector waveguide WR10 


Order Number 1538.5852.03


Standard gain horn antenna 

75 to 110 GHz, 25 dBi Connector waveguide WR10

Mechanical accessories

Order Number 1348.5330.02


Frontend height adjustment

Height adjustment and mounting kit for external frontends. 
Horizontal or vertical assembly possible.


Order Number 1175.2014.02


Torque wrench for waveguide flange screws

Related videos

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Noise Figure and Gain Measurements of amplifiers from 75 GHz to 110 GHz

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Signal generation and analysis up to 110 GHz with frontends

This video shows the excellent signal performance and the support of swept measurements and local oscillator coupling of the FE frontend series.

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