
Regular Preventive Maintenance

Regular expert technical reviews to predict problems before they happen.

Regular expert technical reviews to predict problems before they happen.

If this service is selected, Rohde & Schwarz experts or approved subcontractors perform yearly on-site inspections and maintenance of Rohde & Schwarz transmitter systems covered by the service contract to verify system performance.

Results are documented in a service report including any further recommendations for reducing the risk of malfunctions.

Regular Preventive Maintenance can also be performed remotely but is best done in-person for best results.

This service ensures that solutions are always maintained and up to date using the latest practices and software versions. By taking a holistic view and evaluating overall system performance network efficiency can be significantly increased whilst reducing the risk of any unexpected failures giving the best possible return on investment.

As a scheduled service this allows for fully planned maintenance windows with the added benefit of having an expert on hand to directly provide hands on training.

Benefits and options

Technical Support

Maintained and up-to-date system

Technical Support

Increased network efficiency by system performance evaluation

Reduces risk of unexpected failures

Increased ROI with optimal performance

Planned maintenance

Hands on training

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