Repair Coverage

Repair Coverage

Repair coverage with optional guarantees

Ensuring continuous operation and peace of mind with predictable total cost of ownership.

Once your product is returned it will be repaired in a Rohde & Schwarz Repair Center or with an authorized repair shop. Rohde & Schwarz bears all expenses of the repair activities (Time & Material).

Turn Around Time (TAT) starts with the arrival of the hardware on Rohde & Schwarz premises and ends with handover to the forwarder after completion of the work.

As part of your service agreement a cost-effective upfront fee ensures predictable maintenance costs for the life of your solution. All repairs are completed to the highest quality standards by the Rohde & Schwarz skilled team of experts. Our repair turn around time guarantees allow you to minimize your spare parts holding with options for fast repair in 10 working days turn around time or standard repair for when your repair is less mission critical.

Benefits and options

Technical Support

Predictable maintenance costs

Technical Support

High quality repairs by R&S experts

Minimise your spare parts holding

Fast repair TAT option 10 working days guaranteed

Standard repair option TAT not prioritized

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