Automotive Technology Day - online

Automotive Technology Day - online

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Keynote presentations

The second life of ultra wideband communication

The second life of ultra wideband communication

Why does a 20 years old technology get so much attention? Find out about the comeback of the ultra-wideband (UWB) technology in mobile devices and car applications and what this means for testing. In this webinar you will also learn about some relevant test issues. In the second part you will learn about testing UWB with an oscilloscope and the key measurements that you should make.

Cellular vehicle to everything (C-V2X)

Cellular vehicle to everything (C-V2X)

V2X is currently a hot topic across the globet, this webinar takes a look at the market requirements and the use cases that are driving the decisions about these technologies, trace the evolutionary path toward 5G and provide a picture of what is being discussed in each of the key regions. It will also offer information about how these use cases fit into the market for autonomous vehicles and features a demonstration of application layer testing.

Domain controllers and high performance CPUS for automotive

Domain controllers and high performance CPUS for automotive

Autonomous driving brings new challenges on ECU and IVN development. In this presentation we will show some ECU applications towards autonomous driving and explain how IVN will evolve in the following 10 years. Then we introduce the importance of Domain controllers and discuss some of the testing requirements that this new technology will bring in the automotive.

Over-the-air testing of automotive communication systems at vehicle level

Over-the-air testing of automotive communication systems at vehicle level

In this presentation, a list of relevant KPIs are considered and the corresponding over-the-air (OTA) test methodology will be discussed for transmitter and receiver of combined radio systems integrated into the vehicle.

Comprehensive radar integration testing

Comprehensive radar integration testing

This webinar will focus on the integration of radar sensors in future autonomous vehicles. Once the radar sensor itself has been successfully tested, questions concerning its integration within the vehicle arise: Where should the radar be placed to detect oncoming traffic? How does the plastic of the bumper influence the quality of the radar signal? How do you ensure that the radar is mounted at the correct position?

Brief introduction into E-Mobility

Brief introduction into eMobility

Introduction of market conditions and requirements of electrical vehicles including market development figures. Explanation of different kind of electrical vehicles such as hybrid and battery electrical vehicles. In the second part of the webinar a test solution for 48V battery management systems based on NGL/NGM power supplies will be presented.