New Work Initiative

Destination: New Work

We join the journey

Working at the kitchen table, video call with your manager - is that home office or already New Work? As a technology company, we experience that everything is changing. But one thing remains: constant change itself. These changes are rarely linear. It’s more like a travelling: many crossroads and possibilities. This is also how we view the topic or rather goal of New Work: we are currently on a journey towards it.

Rohde & Schwarz is embarking on this path with an initiative involving many different employees. Step by step, we look at what fits our company from the New Work cosmos. We have set ourselves a lot of goals. We want to demonstrate a strong attitude towards home office, purpose, degrees of freedom, affiliation and self-determination. How can this be achieved? Find out more from our Director Strategic Projects, Nicholas Loh, who works with four teams on the initiative:

Interview with New Work Initative Lead

New Work - one term, many definitions

Many colleagues are accompanying us on the journey to the new working world. In the following, our colleagues explain how they understand New Work.

Mindy Baylor, Program Manager

"In Project Teamwork, I’m excited about the opportunity to explore and try out philosophies and methods to improve and enhance our collaboration. Another focal point for me is integration. We need an integrative approach to ensure that all team members feel involved – regardless of generation or cultural background."

Michael Kutscheit, Director of IT Communication & Collaboration Services

"A motivating and inspiring work environment − culturally, spatially and of course technologically. I want to contribute to a work culture and environment where all colleagues feel inspired and love their work. IT provides the technical framework for this."

Angelika Daniels, Idea Manager

"I'm excited to see what the workplace environment of the future will look like. New Work mainly means more flexibility: hybrid forms of working and new ways of interacting with colleagues."

Vincent Hor, Head of Lab System Development Software

"I’m glad to be able to provide an Asian perspective in Project Leadership. New Work facilitates better time management for an improved work/life balance. By commuting less often, we can use our time more effectively while reducing our eco footprint. With New Work, the company is playing an active role in shaping the transformation we need in order to adapt optimally to the new environment."

Holger Schötz, Executive Vice President Human Ressources

Holger Schötz, our Executive Vice President Human Ressources, and his view on New Work:

“Rohde & Schwarz is in the middle of a transformation process, like many companies. It impacts many aspects such as culture, strategy and structure. Therefore, we are looking at different dimensions in our New Work initiative, for example agile methods, team diversity and remote leadership – all tailored to Rohde & Schwarz.”

Want to learn more about what shapes collaboration at Rohde & Schwarz? Check out our company values: