3 Ergebnisse
More functions, greater processing power and growing data rates make high-speed system-on-chips (SoCs) power designs challenging. The increasing number of power rails that supply the various function blocks of modern CPUs, GPUs, FPGAs, ASICs and such require precise sequencing during power-up and powerdown. Supply voltage levels are also lowered to reduce power dissipation inside the SoC. Power integrity requirements are stricter and more supply current is needed on power rails. Multiphase buck converters continue to grow more popular for high-current power rails. The converters have many benefits, but designers also face challenges when it comes to power design and validation testing.
Selecting Your Next Oscilloscope:
If you are selecting your next oscilloscope and want more insight on how to understand ENOB values measured and published by oscilloscope manufacturers, this document is for you. The effective number of bits (ENOB) is a way of quantifying the quality of analog to digital conversion. A higher ENOB means that voltage levels recorded in analog to digital conversion are more accurate. Understanding oscilloscope vendor-supplied ENOB values can be complex. This document focuses on interpretation of measured ENOB results made on oscilloscopes rather than the math behind ENOB calculations.
21.06.2024 | AN-Nr. 1TD12
Automatisierte Testgeräte (Automated Test Equipment, ATE) spielen in Produktionsanlagen eine wichtige Rolle. Um einen sicheren und zuverlässigen Betrieb beim Endbenutzer sicherzustellen, müssen Prüflinge nach verschiedenen Grenzwerten getestet werden. Das Werk muss sicherstellen, dass diese Messungen ordnungsgemäß durchgeführt werden und alle notwendigen Testfälle abdecken. Andererseits sind die Tests aber auch mit angemessener Geschwindigkeit durchzuführen. Oszilloskope (z. B. die MXO Serie von Rohde & Schwarz) sind oft zentraler Bestandteil eines ATE-Systems und können den Workflow durch ein dediziertes „Waiting-for-Trigger“-Signal verbessern.