R&S®GSACSM communications system monitoring

Multi-device SATCOM signal monitoring

R&S®GSACSM communications system monitoring
Abrir Lightbox
R&S®GSACSM communications system monitoring
Abrir Lightbox
R&S®GSACSM communications system monitoring
Abrir Lightbox
R&S®GSACSM communications system monitoring
Abrir Lightbox
R&S®GSACSM communications system monitoring
Abrir Lightbox
R&S®GSACSM communications system monitoring
Abrir Lightbox
R&S®GSACSM communications system monitoring
Abrir Lightbox
R&S®GSACSM communication system monitoring, screenshot R&S®GSACSM communication system monitoring, screenshot R&S®GSACSM communication system monitoring, screenshot R&S®GSACSM communication system monitoring, screenshot R&S®GSACSM communication system monitoring, screenshot R&S®GSACSM communication system monitoring, screenshot R&S®GSACSM communication system monitoring, screenshot

Key Facts

  • Autonomous satellite signal monitoring
  • Detection of undercarrier signals
  • DVB-CID demodulation and multichannel signal quality measurements
  • Paired-carrier signal processing

Multi-device SATCOM signal monitoring  

R&S®GSACSM communication system monitoring is a SATMON software solution for remote spectrum monitoring and signal analysis. R&S®GSACSM comes with classic spectrum analyzer functions, trapping systems and advanced signal detection and identification algorithms.

  • Multi-device spectrum monitoring
  • VSAT, SCPC signals, CID, under-carrier signals
  • API for software remote control
  • Satellite EIRP monitoring

Features & benefits

Autonomous spectrum scanning

Autonomous spectrum scanning and SATCOM carrier identification

The R&S®GSACSM classification feature enables autonomous scanning of spectrum signals and carrier identification. Carriers are visualized in color-coded charts and lists. The chart and list elements make identifying each carrier easy. The sniper tool can add new areas to select a specific carrier for further processing. All collected signal parameters and constellation diagrams are displayed.

Software-based signal demodulation
Abrir Lightbox

Software-based signal demodulation

Can identify a huge variety of modulation standards and types (DVB-S, DVB-S2, IESS, GSM, etc.)

Carrier-in-carrier detection

Identifying of underlying signals  with carrier-in-carrier detection

PCMA detection and signal identification systems that use R&S®GSACSM can detect and identify paired carrier multiple access signals (two carriers with the same carrier frequency and baud rate). Identification of suspicious interferers with undercarrier detection to identify unwanted asymmetric signal sources beneath a useful signal.  

Software-based carrier cancellation
Abrir Lightbox

Software-based carrier cancellation

The SATCOM carrier is canceled in order to identify the under-carrier signal.

DVB-CID demodulation

Continuous spectrum scanning and demodulation of DVB-CID signals

Modern satellite communications need to efficiently avoid frequent signal interference. The Digital Video Broadcasting organization specifies a carrier ID (CID) that identifies the host carrier to effectively reduce interference between satellite signals. R&S®GSACSM can handle CID signals, meaning it can detect and demodulate them. The CID-specific “global unique ID”, the GPS coordinates and the telephone number are extracted.

DVB-CID demodulation
Abrir Lightbox

DVB-CID demodulation

The demodulation is repeated until all CID parameters are captured.

Continuous carrier monitoring

Easy carrier monitoring with multichannel service tables

R&S®GSACSM monitors signal parameters with multichannel service tables. R&S®GSACSM can set alarm thresholds to inform users of unwanted signals. Users can define spectrum signal masks to immediately identify every suspicious carrier.

Signal monitoring with service tables
Abrir Lightbox

Signal monitoring with service tables

Various monitoring objectives can be set: C/N, signal power, signal bandwidth, modulation, FEC rate etc.

Distributed network structure

Scalable client/server architecture

In a scalable client/server architecture, R&S®GSACSM allows remote spectrum analysis in distributed systems. Operators can manage their instruments (RF components, e.g. R&S®NRQ6) in different locations. R&S®GSACSM supports the following Rohde & Schwarz sensor instruments:

  • R&S®TSME6 ;
  • R&S®FSW ;
  • R&S®FPS ;
  • R&S®FSV;
  • R&S®FSVA;
  • R&S®FSV3000;
  • R&S®FSVA3000;
  • R&S®ESMD;
  • R&S®ESME;
  • R&S®FPL ;
  • R&S®NRQ6 ;
  • R&S®MSR200;
  • R&S®MSR4;

Simultaneously managing different receivers
Abrir Lightbox

Simultaneously managing different receivers

Available options


Order Number 3065.3478.02


CSM measurements

Store and replay of sampled IQ data files, offline IQ sample file processing

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