R&S®RCMS II Remote control and monitoring system

R&S®RCMS II Remote control and monitoring system
Abrir Lightbox
R&S®RCMS II Remote control and monitoring system
Abrir Lightbox
R&S®RCMS II Remote control and monitoring system
Abrir Lightbox
R&S®RCMS II Remote control and monitoring system
Abrir Lightbox
R&S®RCMS II Remote control and monitoring system
Abrir Lightbox
R&S®RCMS II remote control and monitoring system, side view R&S®RCMS II remote control and monitoring system, screenshot R&S®RCMS II remote control and monitoring system, screenshot R&S®RCMS II remote control and monitoring system, screenshot R&S®RCMS II remote control and monitoring system, application image

Key Facts

  • Monitors entire system
  • Multiserver operation for consolidated views
  • Hot-hot server operation for enhanced reliability
  • Integration into umbrella management via SNMP
  • Radio remote software management

Broad scope monitoring for optimized ATC communications

R&S®RCMS II lets air traffic control system operators monitor CERTIUM radios, CERTIUM VCS,  CERTIUM gateways and other SNMP-capable devices from one or more locations. Full-stack configuration and management capabilities for Rohde & Schwarz radiosallow for cost-effective and precisely localized quick responses to errors. Operational parameters for various ATC scenarios can also be set.

Features & benefits

End-to-end monitoring

From the controller working position to the radio

R&S®RCMS II lets operators see all the radios within their network and check their status. The same applies to other network components along the communications path. Operators benefit greatly from such broad oversight with a structured, yet detailed system.

Full scope network monitoring
Abrir Lightbox

Full scope network monitoring

Centralized countrywide management was realized in Austria (AustroControl).

Remote operation

Outstanding operability regardless of physical location

The IP based network architecture lets ANSPs operate radio sites hundreds of miles away as if they were right outside the building. The R&S®RCMS II helps operators achieve the full potential of their IP network architecture, such as the ability to adjust all parameters and settings remotely.

Remote control operation with the R&S®RCMS II
Abrir Lightbox

Remote control operation with the R&S®RCMS II

Exploit the full potential of your IP network architecture by coordinating multiple control centers and radio sites.

Scalable and flexible

R&S®RCMS II can handle single airports or nationwide networks and is indispensable when scaling operations. R&S®RCMS II can manage more than 1000 radios at the same time, closely adhering to the paradigm of versatility through scalability for a truly flexible ATC communications solution.

Multiserver operation
Abrir Lightbox

Multiserver operation

Assign an additional higher hierarchy level to centrally manage regional control centers.

Operational efficiency

Centralized management for optimal work load distribution

Benefit from all the synergies of aggregating talent across the board. Thanks to central management, you can plan and allocate to spread loads accordingly. At the same time, you can also use the larger constellation to harden the whole network against potential malicious attacks from the outside. 

Centrally managing multiple radio sites
Abrir Lightbox

Centrally managing multiple radio sites

R&S®RCMS II uses central management to unlock the full potential of managed components and ensure optimal system operation.


Seamlessly integrated with state-of-the-art ATC radios from Rohde & Schwarz

Thanks to the close integration with R&S®Series5200 radios, users benefit from cutting-edge advancements, such as true separation of voice and management networks.

Quad redundancy for long-term reliability
Abrir Lightbox

Quad redundancy for long-term reliability

The quad redundancy in the R&S®Series5200 leaves the R&S®RCMS II ready for future reliability standards.

Broad compatibility

Fully forwards and backwards compatible

Compatibility is a two-way street. The R&S®RCMS II can do both. It is truly future-proof and compatible with state-of-the-art radios such as the R&S®Series5200. The software is also backward compatible to a broad range of legacy radios, such as the R&S®Series200. We are proud to present a versatile ATC network solution for multiple applications. 

Future-proof, backward compatible
Abrir Lightbox

Future-proof, backward compatible

The R&S®RCMS II is compatible with every ATC radio from the Rohde & Schwarz portfolio, across multiple generations. 

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