Military countering drones webinars

Learn more about the efficient and reliable counter unmanned aerial systems (C-UAS) solutions, whether for permanent facilities at home or temporary and forward-deployed operating bases further afield. And how a next-generation leap in counter-UAS technology can autonomously detect, classify and neutralize the most advanced threats.

RF direction finding solutions in military scenarios with a focus on sUAS

Learn more about the role of RF technology in future military scenarios and why ARDRONIS, the Rohde & Schwarz Counter UAS solution, is the choice for direction finding and countering drones in a military scenario.

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Radio disruption solutions to neutralize sUAS in military scenarios

Learn more about counter UAS technology and the role of active countermeasures to disrupt UAS communications links in future military scenarios and why ARDRONIS, the Rohde & Schwarz counter UAS solutions are the best choice for direction finding and countering small uncrewed aerial systems in a military scenario.

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Learn more about how electromagnetic spectrum (EMS) monitoring helps armed forces optimize frequency management. And how Rohde & Schwarz helps identify the spectrum of intended or unintended radio emissions to protect military assets and rescue operations.

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Countering UAS in military scenarios

Use cases for defense

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Information superiority and digital sovereignty

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