National communications solutions

National communications solutions

The philosophy of strengthening customers’ digital sovereignty is realized in an open waveform development environment. This environment is what makes it possible to develop a national, autonomous waveform and makes the customers independent. During the initial phase, Rohde & Schwarz will train and support the customer, even in-country, until full autonomy is achieved.

The process has already proven itself in the German SDR program, where proprietary waveforms of third-party OEMs have been ported to achieve backwards compatibility. Modern SCA based waveforms have also been integrated.

Our solutions

Communications solutions for army

Software defined radio technology and high data rate waveforms for gaining information superiority and situational awareness.

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Communications solutions for navy

Rohde & Schwarz has provided more than 40 navies with the latest technology – from system design to on-board integration

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Communications solutions for airforce

Flying units of the air force, army and navy have come to depend on radio solutions from Rohde & Schwarz to support their missions.

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