Desktop security

Endpoint security

Security for your laptops and PCs via highly secure browser, zero-trust based VPN Client and proven full-disk encryption

We offer public institutions and corporations high-security products that proactively prevent cyberattacks and the introduction of malicious code and malware onto endpoints.

Our R&S®Trusted VPN Client, approved up to classification level VS-NfD/RESTRICTED, protects the network communication of Windows clients with government or corporate networks via untrusted connections. The unique Zero-Trust-to-Windows approach ensures security and trust independent from the operating system, while preserving a high degree of flexibility with regard to the device platform.

The proven full-disk encryption R&S®Trusted Disk, approved up to classification level VS-NfD/RESTRICTED, protects sensitive data from unauthorized access with secure and transparent encryption in real time without limiting productivity - even on USB flash drives. Not only user data, but also the entire operating system including all temporary data is encrypted.

Developed on behalf of the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI), the fully virtualized R&S®Browser in the Box surfing environment offers an innovative, multi-level concept for secure and convenient Internet surfing. It offers effective protection from malware attacks and zero-day exploits while providing network separation of intranet and internet.

Our R&S®Trusted Endpoint Suite combines browser, VPN Client and full-disk encryption to provide complete protection with the necessary independence from the security architecture of the operating system.

Our central management tool for smartcard-based public key infrastructures, R&S®Trusted Identity Manager, makes it easy to create and manage certificates and smartcards.

R&S®Trusted VPN client, side view

R&S®Trusted VPN Client

  • VPN client with zero-trust-to-Windows approach, OS architecture independent
  • Approved for securing classified data
  • Central management system R&S®Trusted Objects Manager
  • Flexible device management for all USB interfaces
  • Office mode for familiar use in trusted networks
R&S®Trusted Disk, side view

R&S®Trusted Disk

  • Full-disk encryption for Windows systems and external data storage.
  • Approved for securing classified data
  • Central management system R&S®Trusted Objects Manager
  • Maintenance mode for fully automatic reboots without user interaction
  • Microsoft SHIM bootloader support
R&S®Trusted Identity Manager, side view

R&S®Trusted Identity Manager

  • Multifunctional, fully integrated PKI and identity management system
  • Recommended by BSI for processing classified data
  • Smart card profiles: PGP and S/MIME, VPN access, Windows logon
  • Simple and flexible integration into existing organization PKI
  • Easy key management for third-party solutions

Secure and comfortable surfing on the Internet

Developed with the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI), the fully virtualized R&S®Browser in the Box surfing environment offers an innovative, multi-level concept for secure and convenient Internet surfing and optimum protection against malware for public authorities and companies.

Featured content for endpoint security

Behörden Spiegel Webinar: Securely encrypt and send VS-NfD data with minimal operational effort

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Techconsult Study Secure Internet

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Webinar: The security setup for the governmental workspace

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White paper: Browser in the Box

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Endpoint protection FAQs

What are endpoints?

Endpoints or end devices are those that access a network. This includes desktop systems, PCs, notebooks, laptops and tablets

What is endpoint protection?

Endpoint protection describes the protection of endpoints or end user devices using software and tools. So-called endpoints form the entry point to networks of authorities, organizations and companies. For attackers, endpoints are therefore an attractive target. Endpoint protection is therefore important to protect sensitive information and data from industrial espionage and attacks. It also enables you to remain compliant with legal regulations on data protection.

What endpoint protection measures should organizations take?

Technical measures such as solutions for endpoint security usually consist of a mixture of preventive, detective and reactive security measures. These include hard disk encryption, VPN remote access, secure browsing, malware protection, application isolation, virtualization-based security features, data loss prevention (DLP) and separation of the Internet, operating system and corporate network.




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