External Frontend Control

Frequency extension up to 170 GHz

External Frontend Control
External Frontend Control
External Frontend Control
External Frontend Control, Screenshot External Frontend Control, Application Image External Frontend Control


  • Integrated control of external frontends R&S®FExx to the RTP oscilloscope
  • Multi-channel measurements with up to 4 channels 
  • Up to 170 GHz with up to 10 GHz signal analysis bandwidth
  • Complete, compact and fully calibrated solution

Brief description

The different models of the R&S®FExx external frontends offer a convenient way to extend the usable frequency of R&S®RTP oscilloscopes up to 170 GHz. The frontends comes as completely calibrated units, with built in high performance local oscillators for best signals quality and as easy to use, complete and compact solution.

The RTP oscilloscope controls the external frontends via LAN interface. With the RTP-K553 external frontend control option, the setup and control is completely integrated in the oscilloscope's user interface. Additionally, the RTP corrects the frequency and phase response of the external frontends, based on the individual characteristic stored at the external frontends EEPROM.


Multichannel analysis

Up to 170 GHz

For multichannel analysis, connect up to four R&S®FExx module to the R&S®RTP oscilloscope. Select between "Coupled LO" or "Coupled Ref" signal to synchronize the external frontend modules. 


RTP oscilloscope with 2 external frontends

Easy to use

Fully integrated control

The control of the external frontends is completely integrated into the RTP user interface. Start from the Application Cockpit to open the respective control dialog. It provides illustrated configuration assistence for connection  (LAN communication,  IF out to the RTP, and Ref. clk connection), and requires only few more settings such as RF input frequency and RF level to get started.


Setup dialog for the configuration of up to 4 external frontend modules

Fully calibrated

Individual correction data stored inside

Every R&S FExx module comes fully characterized from production. The RTP oscilloscope reads out the modules individual data via the LAN interface and applies via the I/Q SW interface or the deembedding option the respective correction filters. This ensures a fully calibrated test solution immediately available for measurements.


Network setup for the external frontends on the RTP oscilloscope. This enables the RTP to exit the individual characteristics of the defined frontend module.

Comprehensis Signal Analysis

Complete suite of  analysis tools

Start your measurements with standard RTP onboard tools such as a lively FFT. Continue with signal analysis based on the IQ data out of the R&S K11 I/Q SW interface option or with dedicated options of the R&S®VSE analysis software such as the R&S®VSE-KT146 5G MIMO measurement option.


5G signal analysis at 28 GHz with VSE-K144 5G option.

Deembedding of accessories

Never been easier

The deembedding dialog offers for a connected frontend a pre-populated deembedding module. Additional components such as cables or connectors can be added for the IF side between the external frontend and the RTP oscilloscope.


Deembedding dialog for the correction of the external frontend module, as well as the cable and the SMA adapter used for the connection to the RTP oscilloscope.


Supported frontends
Base unit


注文番号 1803.6890.02

Supported frontends
R&S®FE44S (24 GHz to 44 GHz);
R&S®FE50DTR (36 GHz to 50 GHz); 
R&S®FE170SR (110 GHz to 175 GHz)
Base unit




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